Computer Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams Quiz 7

Test Name
Computer Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams Quiz 7
Subject Category Computer and IT
Test Type Online MCQs Based test
Total Questions 15
Total Score 15
Time Limit 20 Min
Who Should Practice this Test:

Students, job seekers or professionals who are preparing for competitive exams, job interviews or job tests

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Computer Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams Online Quiz 7

1. Devices which are used to enter data or give instruction to computer are called
2. Typing errors in a programming language is an example of:
3. The main function of computer is to:
4. WORM stands for:
5. Computer is combination of two main components which are:
6. Programming is:
7. NTFS stands for:
8. A single page consists of rows and columns is known as
9. In flowchart diamond symbol represents:
10. A type of computer application program which stores data into rows and columns and implement mathematical formulas is called