Data Structure and Algorithms MCQs Practice Tests

This page contains 1,000 MCQs on Data Structures and Algorithms-I, spanning 100 essential topics. These MCQ-based practice tests are crafted to assist in preparing for competitive exams, job assessments, online tests, quizzes, interviews, and certifications. Sourced from various past exams and interviews, these questions are designed to help you achieve top marks.

1. Abstract Data Types in Data Structure

Array and Array Operations
Stack Operations
Queue Operations
Singly Linked Lists Operations
Singly Linked Lists
Doubly Linked Lists
Circular Linked Lists
Stack using Array
Queue using Linked List
Queue using Stacks

2. Application of Stacks

Evaluation of an Infix Expression
Evaluation of Prefix and Postfix Expression
Infix to Prefix Conversion
Infix to Postfix Conversion
Prefix and Postfix to Infix Conversion
Balanced Parenthesis

3. Arrays Types in Data Structure

Bit Array
Dynamic Array
Arrays in Data Structure
Count Inversion
Rotation and Reversal Array Operation

4. Types of Lists in Data Structure

Skip List
Self Organizing List
Unrolled and XOR Linked List
Triply and Free Linked Lists

5. Binary Trees in Data Structure

Binary Trees using Array and Linked Lists
Binary Tree Operations
Preorder, Postorder and Inorder Traversal
Binary Tree Properties
Binary Search Tree and Balanced Binary Tree
Self Balancing Binary Search Tree
Randomized Binary Search Tree
AA Tree
AVL and Cartesian Tree
Weight Balanced and Red Black Tree
Top Tree
Splay Tree and Treap
Tango Tree
Rope Tree

6. B-Trees in Data Structure

B- and B+ Tree
2-3 Tree

7. Trees in Data Structure

Ternary Tree
K-ary Tree
Van Emde Boas Tree
Disjoint-Set Data Structure
Bin in Data Structure
KD Tree
Abstract Syntax Tree
Parse Tree and Expression Tree

8. Heap in Data Structure

Binomial and Fibonacci Heap
D-ary Heap
Ternary Heap
Pairing Heap
Leftlist Heap
Skew Heap
Min/Max Heap

9. Trie in Data Structure

Suffix Tree

10. Hash Tables in Data Structure

Hash Tables
Hash Tables Chaining using Linked Lists
Hash Tables Chaining using Doubly Linked Lists
Hash Tables Chaining with Binary Trees
Hash Tables Chaining with List Heads
Hash Tables with Linear Probing
Hash Tables with Quadratic Probing
Hashing Functions
Hash Tree
Min Hash

11. Graph in Data Structure

Adjacency Matrix
Incidence Matrix and Graph Structured Stack
Adjacency List
Directed and Undirected Graph
Multigraph and Hypergraph
Binary Decision Diagrams and Inverter Graph