World’s famous Books and Authors Quiz with Answers

Test Name World Books and Authors quiz
Subject Category World GK
Test Type Online MCQs Based Test
Score / Total Questions 30 / 30
Time Limit 20 Min
Who Should Practice this Test: Students, job seekers or professionals who are preparing for competitive exams, job interviews or jobs test.

Here we have compiled GK questions related to the most famous inspirational and bestselling books and authors in the world. This MCQ based quiz will help to prepare for upcoming exams or job tests.

World’s famous Books and Authors Quiz with Answers Online MCQ Test

1. Which of the following is the author of famous book “Awaken the Giant Within”?
2. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Lord of the Rings”?
3. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Richest Man in Babylon”?
4. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “Don't Sweat the Small Stuff”?
5. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Magic of Thinking Big”?
6. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Hobbit”?
7. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “The Art of Happiness”?
8. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes”?
9. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “The Lean Startup”?
10. Which of the following is the author of famous book “As a Man Thinketh”?
11. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “The 4-Hour Workweek”?
12. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “Think and Grow Rich”?
13. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Power of Now”?
14. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”?
15. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Little Prince”?
16. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “The Secret”?
17. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Alchemist”?
18. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Law of Attraction”?
19. Which of the following is the author of famous book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”?
20. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The 5 Second Rule”?
21. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The seven spiritual laws of success”?
22. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “The Greatest Salesman in the World”?
23. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Power of Positive Thinking”?
24. Which of the following is the author of famous book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”?
25. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “Where the Crawdads Sing”?
26. Which of the following is the author of the famous book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”?
27. Which of the following is the author of famous book “Becoming”?
28. Which of the following is the author of famous book “The Four Agreements”?
29. Which of the following is the author of famous book “A New Earth”?
30. Which of the following is the author of famous book “Educated”?