1. The internal hydrostatic pressure in plants is known as:
a. Turgor pressure
b. Rigid pressure
c. Essential pressure
d. Turbid pressure
Answer: a. Turgor pressure
2. Movement in plants occurs in response to the stimulus of light is known as:
a. Photolysis
b. Phototropism
c. Phototaxis
d. Photonasty
Answer: c. Phototaxis
3. Movement due to external stimuli is known as…?
a. Autonomic movements
b. Paratonic movements
c. Growth movements
d. Turgor movements
Answer: b. Paratonic movements
4. Which fruit has edible placenta and pericarp?
a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Tomato
d. Potato
Answer: c. Tomato
5. Which of the following is an edible underground stem?
a. Carrot
b. Ground nut
c. Sweet potato
d. Potato
Answer: d. Potato
6. In China rose flowers are:
a. Zygomorphic, hypogynous with imbricate aestivation
b. Zygomophic, epigynous with twisted aestivation
c. Actinomorphic, hypogynous with twisted aestivation
d. Actinomorphic, epigynous with valvate aestivation
Answer: c. Actinomorphic, hypogynous with twisted aestivation
7. Inflorescence is racemose in…?
a. Brinjal
b. Tulip
c. Aloe
d. Soybean
Answer: d. Soybean
Recommended: Morphology of Flowering Plants Practice Test
8. In cymose inflorescence the main axis…?
a. Has unlimited growth
b. Bears a solitary flower
c. Has unlimited growth but lateral branches
d. Terminates in a flower
Answer: d. Terminates in a flower
9. Placentation in tomato and lemon is:
a. Parietal
b. Free central
c. Axile
d. Marginal
Answer: c. Axile
10. Phyllode is present in…?
a. Asparagus
b. Euphorbia
c. Australian acacia
d. Opuntia
Answer: c. Australian acacia
11. The growing tip of the young stem moves in a zig-zag fashion, it is known as?
a. Hyponasty
b. Haptonasty
c. Thermonasty
d. Nutation
Answer: d. Nutation
12. Which is the movement in response to touch?
a. Gentropism
b. Thigmotropism
c. Phototropism
d. Chemotropism
Answer: b. Thigmotropism
13. Which of the following family has vexillary aestivation?
a. Fabaceae
b. Asteraceae
c. Solanaceae
d. Brassicaceae
Answer: a. Fabaceae
14. The morphological nature of the edible part of the coconut is…?
a. Endosperm
b. Pericarp
c. Perisperm
d. Cotyledon
Answer: a. Endosperm
15. Four long and two short stamens are characteristic of the family:
a. Asteraceae
b. Brassicaceae
c. Liliaceae
d. Solanaceae
Answer: b. Brassicaceae
16. A fruit; which develops from a condensed inflorescence is known as:
a. Simple fruit
b. Composite fruit
c. Aggregate fruit
d. Etaerio
Answer: b. Composite fruit
17. Stems modified into flat green organs performing the functions of leaves are known as…?
a. Phyllodes
b. Cladodes
c. Phylloclades
d. Scales
Answer: c. Phylloclades
18. Leaves become modified into spines in:
a. Pisum
b. Onion
c. Opuntia
d. Allium
Answer: c. Opuntia
19. Replum occurs in the ovary of:
a. Pea
b. Sunflower
c. Lemon
d. Mustard
Answer: d. Mustard
20. Roots developed from parts of the plant other than radicle are known as…?
a. Tap roots
b. Fibrous roots
c. Nodular roots
d. Adventitious roots
Answer: d. Adventitious roots