Here, we have compiled a comprehensive collection of programming MCQs-based online practice tests designed for competitive exams, job tests, and interview preparation. These questions are organized by subject and topic, ensuring in-depth coverage for effective programming exam preparation.
Our subject matter experts have meticulously prepared these questions. Sourced from past exams, interviews, and job tests, these multiple-choice questions are designed to enhance your performance in standardized tests and competitive exams. These MCQs are frequently asked in different programming-based competitive exams and interviews.
Our programming practice quizzes are beneficial for the following categories:
Interview and Job Test Preparation
Regularly practicing these programming interview questions and answers can help prepare for on-campus, off-campus, and various company walk-in interviews. These fully solved questions are beneficial for everyone, whether you are a student, fresher, or experienced professional preparing for job tests or interviews.
Competitive Exam and Admission Test Preparation
Students and professionals should practice these programming questions and answers daily to achieve high scores in standardized tests and other competitive exams. This routine will help them effectively prepare for exams such as NTS, PPSC, FPSC, GATE, GRE, IAS, IES, PSC, UGC NET, DOEACC, and various certification exams. You can also use these questions to prepare for departmental exams for undergraduate, and postgraduate courses and qualify for PhD programs at US universities.
Programming Subjects MCQs
Object Oriented Programming |
Data Structures and Algorithms 1 |
Data Structures and Algorithms 2 |
C Programming |
C++ Programming |
C# Programming |
Java Programming |
JavaScript |
Spring Framework |
PHP Programming |
Python Programming |
Hadoop |
R Programming |
Ruby Programming |
Database-Related Programming Subjects MCQs
Data Science |
MongoDB |
SQL Server |
Oracle |
Cloud Computing |
Storage Area Network (SAN) |
Related Subjects
IoT (Internet of Things) |
Computer Fundamentals |
Cyber Security |
Linux |
Unix |