Reproduction in Flowering Plants MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

1. What is the function of sepals and petals?
a. To provide food
b. Help in pollination
c. Release pollens
d. Protect the stamens and carpels
Answer: d. Protect the stamens and carpels

2. Which of the following male gametophyte produces gamete?
a. Ovule
b. Microspore
c. Nucellus
d. Integument
Answer: b. Microspore

3. Where does pollen grain germinates to form a pollen tube?
a. Ovary
b. Integument
c. Stigma
d. Nucellus
Answer: c. Stigma

4. The nucleus of the microspore divides by mitotic divisions to form…?
a. Two male gametes and tube nucleus
b. Three male gametes
c. Only tube nucleus
d. Two male gametes only
Answer: a. Two male gametes and tube nucleus

5. The female spore is known as…?
a. Microspores
b. Macrospore
c. Megaspores
d. Minispore
Answer: c. Megaspores

6. How many sub-classes of angiosperms are there?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
Answer: b. 2

7. Which of the following represents the monocot sepals and petals?
a. 4 or 6 petals
b. Multiple of 4 or 5
c. 3 petals or multiple of three
d. None of these
Answer: c. 3 petals or multiple of three

Recommended: Reproduction in Flowering Plants Practice Test

8. The oospore develops into a…?
a. Egg
b. Endosperm
c. Megaspore
d. Embryo
Answer: d. Embryo

9. Which is the characteristic of flowering plants?
a. Single fertilization
b. Double fertilization
c. No seed production
d. Absence of petals
Answer: b. Double fertilization

10. How the oospore is formed?
a. By fusion of egg and male gamete
b. By egg and two male gametes
c. By self-fertilization
d. Any of mentioned above
Answer: a. By fusion of egg and male gamete

11. Most Monocots are…?
a. Herbaceous
b. Woody
c. Woody as well as herbaceous
d. None of these
Answer: a. Herbaceous

12. Which of the following are characters of the family Rosaceae?
a. Inflorescence is variable
b. Mostly bisexual
c. Often perigynous
d. All of these
Answer: d. All of these

13. Woody perennial climbers are commonly known as…?
a. Lianas
b. Creepers
c. Rhizomes
d. Runners
Answer: a. Lianas

14. Vegetative reproduction by layering is found in…?
a. Mango
b. Jasmine
c. Rose
d. Jambolin
Answer: b. Jasmine

15. Choose the correct answer according to the statement: Ovule are not found enclosed within ovary in…?
a. Dicotyledons
b. Monocotyledons
c. Gymnosperms
d. Spermatophytes
Answer: c. Gymnosperms

16. Flowers with both androecium and gynoecium are known as…?
a. Anther
b. Stamens
c. Bisexual flowers
d. Unisexual flowers
Answer: c. Bisexual flowers

17. The act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma is known as…?
a. Pollination
b. Fertilization
c. Adoption
d. Diffusion
Answer: a. Pollination

18. What is the fusion of the female reproductive nucleus with the male reproductive nucleus called?
a. Pollination
b. Fertilization
c. Regeneration
d. Diffusion
Answer: b. Fertilization

19. What is the name of the two nuclei at the end of the pollen tube?
a. Sperm and ovum
b. Tube nucleus and a generative nucleus
c. Generative nucleus and stigma
d. Tube nucleus and sperm
Answer: b. Tube nucleus and a generative nucleus

20. What does the generative cell divide into?
a. Three male nuclei
b. Two male nuclei
c. Two female nuclei
d. Three female nuclei
Answer: b. Two male nuclei

21. Where does the Embryo sac located?
a. Inside the stigma
b. Micropyle
c. Inside the ovule
d. Style
Answer: c. Inside the ovule

22. One nucleus of the pollen tube and secondary nucleus of the ovum grows into…?
a. Stigma
b. Anther
c. Endosperm
d. Stamen
Answer: c. Endosperm

23. The stalk on which a flower is borne is known as…?
a. Corolla
b. Petiole
c. Sessile
d. Pedicel
Answer: d. Pedicel

24. All the stamens of a flower are collectively known as…?
a. Filament
b. Anther
c. Gynoecium
d. Androecium
Answer: d. Androecium

25. In angiosperms; functional megaspore develops into…?
a. Embryo-sac
b. Endosperm
c. Ovule
d. Embryo
Answer: a. Embryo-sac

26. Which of the following is genetically similar to autogamy but requires pollinators?
a. Geitonogamy
b. Cleistogamy
c. Apogamy
d. Xenogamy
Answer: a. Geitonogamy

27. Choose the correct statement regarding the Filiform apparatus’ function:
a. Guide the entry of pollen tube
b. Recognize the suitable pollen at the stigma
c. Produce nectar
d. Stimulate division of the generative cell
Answer: a. Guide the entry of pollen tube

28. A mass of nutritive material outside the embryo sac is known as…?
a. Protoplasm
b. Perisperm
c. Pericarp
d. Ectoderm
Answer: b. Perisperm

29. Choose the correct statement from the following:
a. Sporogenous tissue is haploid
b. Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen
c. Microspores are produced by endothecium
d. The hard outer layer of pollen is called intine
Answer: b. Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen

30. Which of the following is an example of a naturally occurring parthenocarpic fruit?
a. Brinjal
b. Apple
c. Banana
d. Jackfruit
Answer: c. Banana

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