Everyday Science for Competitive Exams Test 2

Test NameEveryday science MCQ
Subject CategoryEveryday Science
Test TypeOnline MCQs Based Test
Total Questions and Score15, 15
Time Limit15 Min
Who Should Practice this Test:Students, job seekers or professionals who are preparing for competitive exams, job interviews or jobs test. Anyone who wants to appear in NTS, PPSC, FPSC, GAT, GRE etc.

Everyday Science MCQs for Competitive Exams Test 2

1. The Ozone layer protects us from the sun…………………………rays:
2. The most plentiful salt in seawater is………………:
3. The speed of light in air is about………………:
4. The most plentiful natural iron oxides are………………:
5. The speed of sound in air is about………………:
6. How much time light takes to travel from Sun to Earth?
7. ………………..is the collection of reflected sounds waves by the surface of objects like floor, people and walls etc.:
8. The ozone layer lies in which of the following atmosphere layer:
9. Which of the following rock is formed from existing rocks when subjected to high pressure and heat:
10. The density of water is maximum at………..:
11. The basic unit of home electricity consumptions is:
12. Why a freely suspended magnet always points towards North and South:
13. The most plentiful elements in seawater are………………:
14. The Sunlight travels a distance of………………..before it reaches Earth:
15. An electric current can produce which of the following effects: