Vocabulary Mcqs Set-2 Frequently Asked Questions in Exams

In this section, you will be presented with a definition or description of a word for each question. Your task is to select the correct meaning or definition from the four options provided. By answering these questions, you’ll not only improve your understanding of common vocabulary words but also enhance your verbal ability. It’s worth noting that these questions are frequently encountered in various exams, making them an excellent resource for exam preparation.

Vocabulary Mcqs Set-2 Frequently Asked Questions in Exams

1. What is the primary role of a lobbyist?
a. Selling products
b. Persuading legislators
c. Writing books
d. Operating machinery
Answer: b. Persuading legislators

2. Which term denotes the attribute of having lived for an extended period?
a. Longevity
b. Mundane
c. Nonchalant
d. Opulent
Answer: a. Longevity

3. How is the term “mundane” best defined?
a. Extraordinary
b. Unusual
c. Found in the ordinary course of events
d. Found in the spiritual world
Answer: c. Found in the ordinary course of events

4. What does it signify to be “nonchalant”?
a. Anxious
b. Worried
c. Marked by casual unconcern or indifference
d. Focused
Answer: c. Marked by casual unconcern or indifference

5. Which term describes something as “rich and superior in quality”?
a. Orator
b. Ostentatious
c. Parched
d. Opulent
Answer: d. Opulent

6. What is the primary function of an orator?
a. Delivering speeches
b. Operating machinery
c. Writing movie scripts
d. Constructing buildings
Answer: a. Delivering speeches

7. How is the term “ostentatious” best described?
a. Unassuming
b. Intended to attract notice and impress others
c. Uninterested
d. Modest
Answer: b. Intended to attract notice and impress others

8. What does it mean to be “parched”?
a. Extremely tired
b. Extremely thirsty
c. Extremely hungry
d. Extremely cold
Answer: b. Extremely thirsty

9. What does the term “perfidious” indicate?
a. Honest and trustworthy
b. Tending to betray
c. Kind-hearted
d. Noble and honorable
Answer: b. Tending to betray

10. Which term suggests a practical and realistic approach?
a. Longevity
b. Nonchalant
c. Mundane
d. Pragmatic
Answer: d. Pragmatic

11. What is the meaning of “precocious”?
a. Slow development
b. Exceptionally early development
c. Average development
d. Late development
Answer: b. Exceptionally early development

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12. Which term signifies “creating an appearance of importance or distinction”?
a. Pretentious
b. Procrastinate
c. Prosperity
d. Prudent
Answer: a. Pretentious

13. What does it entail to “procrastinate”?
a. Hasten completion
b. Prioritize tasks efficiently
c. Focus on current tasks
d. Postpone doing what one should be doing
Answer: d. Postpone doing what one should be doing

14. Which word characterizes something as “lacking wit or imagination”?
a. Prosperity
b. Prosaic
c. Prudent
d. Precocious
Answer: b. Prosaic

15. What does the term “prosperity” refer to?
a. The condition of having good fortune
b. Extreme poverty
c. Struggling financially
d. Economic downturn
Answer: a. The condition of having good fortune

16. Which term suggests “serving or tending to excite or stimulate”?
a. Prudent
b. Provocative
c. Querulous
d. Rancorous
Answer: b. Provocative

17. What does it mean to be “prudent”?
a. Unwise
b. Reckless
c. Irrational
d. Marked by sound judgment
Answer: d. Marked by sound judgment

18. Which word describes someone who is “habitually complaining”?
a. Rancorous
b. Reclusive
c. Querulous
d. Pretentious
Answer: c. Querulous

19. What does “rancorous” mean?
a. Friendly and amicable
b. Showing deep-seated resentment
c. Peaceful and calm
d. Agreeable and pleasant
Answer: b. Showing deep-seated resentment

20. Which term refers to someone “withdrawn from society; seeking solitude”?
a. Reclusive
b. Precocious
c. Prosaic
d. Prosperity
Answer: a. Reclusive

21. What does the term “reconciliation” mean?
a. The act of improving by renewing and restoring
b. The reestablishment of cordial relations
c. Under control
d. A feeling of profound respect for someone or something
Answer: b. The reestablishment of cordial relations

22. How is “renovation” defined?
a. The reestablishment of cordial relations
b. The trait of having wisdom and good judgment
c. Examine carefully for accuracy
d. The act of improving by renewing and restoring
Answer: d. The act of improving by renewing and restoring

23. How would you describe “restrained”?
a. Examine carefully for accuracy
b. Under control
c. The trait of having wisdom and good judgment
d. Plausible but false
Answer: b. Under control

24. What does “reverence” indicate?
a. The reestablishment of cordial relations
b. A feeling of profound respect for someone or something
c. Inclined or willing to give in to orders or wishes of others
d. Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
Answer: b. A feeling of profound respect for someone or something

25. Which term denotes “the trait of having wisdom and good judgment”?
a. Spontaneous
b. Scrutinize
c. Sagacity
d. Spurious
Answer: c. Sagacity

26. What is the primary meaning of “scrutinize”?
a. Examine thoroughly for accuracy
b. Unplanned or impulsive actions
c. Yielding to others’ orders or wishes
d. Reinforcement with new evidence or facts
Answer: a. Examine thoroughly for accuracy

27. Which term describes actions “done without prior planning”?
a. Spontaneous
b. Scrutinize
c. Sagacity
d. Spurious
Answer: a. Spontaneous

28. How is “spurious” best defined?
a. Believable yet false
b. Reinforcement with new evidence or facts
c. Submissive to others’ orders or wishes
d. Under control
Answer: a. Believable yet false

29. What characterizes someone who is “submissive”?
a. Reinforcement with new evidence or facts
b. Yielding to others’ orders or wishes
c. Restoring cordial relations
d. Improving by renewing and restoring
Answer: b. Yielding to others’ orders or wishes

30. How would you define “substantiate”?
a. Investigate carefully for accuracy
b. Under control
c. Reinforcement with new evidence or facts
d. A feeling of profound respect for someone or something
Answer: c. Reinforcement with new evidence or facts

31. What is the essence of “subtle”?
a. Readily graspable or easily noticed
b. Resistant to change or inflexible
c. Not immediately evident or easily comprehended
d. Characterized by vibrant and expressive behavior
Answer: c. Not immediately evident or easily comprehended

32. How would you define “superficial”?
a. Fleeting or momentary
b. Revered with great respect
c. Unyielding and unwavering
d. Existing only on the surface or shallow
Answer: d. Existing only on the surface or shallow

33. What does “superfluous” imply?
a. Existing briefly
b. Revered with deep admiration
c. Unyielding and stubborn
d. More than necessary or desired
Answer: d. More than necessary or desired

34. Which term characterizes something “marked by discreet, cautious, and secretive actions”?
a. Tactful
b. Venerable
c. Surreptitious
d. Tenacious
Answer: c. Surreptitious

35. What embodies being “tactful”?
a. Having an immediate understanding in social dealings
b. Fleeting and short-lived
c. Lacking sophistication and socially awkward
d. Revered with profound honor
Answer: a. Having an immediate understanding in social dealings

36. What describes “tenacious” most accurately?
a. Fleeting or momentary
b. Firmly persistent or unyielding
c. Superficial or surface-level
d. Intrinsically complex or elusive to comprehend
Answer: b. Firmly persistent or unyielding

37. What is the definition of “transient”?
a. Revered with deep respect
b. Characterized by attentive and cautious behavior
c. Existing for a very brief period
d. Having consideration in dealing with others
Answer: c. Existing for a very brief period

38. Which term signifies something “held in profound honor”?
a. Superficial
b. Venerable
c. Subtle
d. Tactful
Answer: b. Venerable

39. What does it mean to “vindicate”?
a. Characterized by attentive and cautious behavior
b. Fleeting or momentary
c. Demonstrate correctness through proof or justification
d. Intrinsically complex or elusive to comprehend
e. Answer: c. Demonstrate correctness through proof or justification

40. How would you define “wary”?
a. Revered with deep respect
b. Marked by attentive and cautious behavior
c. Having consideration in dealing with others
d. More than is needed, desired, or required
Answer: b. Marked by attentive and cautious behavior