One Word Substitution MCQs Set-1 Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, you will be presented with a definition or description of a word for each question. Your task is to select the correct word from the four options provided.
Note: the correct answers are marked as bold.

One Word Substitution MCQs Set-1 Frequently Asked Questions in Exams

1. What is the term for an act of renouncing the throne?
a. Abolition
b. Abdication
c. Adulation
d. Acclamation

2. What is the term for an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information?
a. Almanac
b. Agenda
c. Atlas
d. Algorithm

3. What is the term for a cold-blooded vertebrate animal that is born in water and breathes with gills?
a. Amphibian
b. Arachnid
c. Avian
d. Aquatic

Recommended: One Word Substitution Practice Test 1

4. What is the term for a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one?
a. Analogy
b. Allegory
c. Aphorism
d. Autobiography

5. What is the term for a statement or proposition on which an abstractly defined structure is based?
a. Axiom
b. Adage
c. Axle
d. Axes

6. What is the term for a nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law?
a. Bellicose
b. Belligerent
c. Benevolent
d. Benevolence

7. What is the term for an examination of tissue removed from a living body to discover the presence, cause or extent of disease?
a. Biopsy
b. Botany
c. Biology
d. Bacteriology

8. What is the term for the action or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; or profane talk?
a. Blasphemy
b. Blatancy
c. Blaspheme
d. Blasé

9. What is the term for the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence?
a. Chronology
b. Chronometer
c. Chronograph
d. Chronicle

10. What is the term for a vigorous campaign for political, social, or religious change?
a. Crusade
b. Campaign
c. Crusaden
d. Catechism

11. What is the term for lasting for a very short time?
a. Eternal
b. Ephemeron
c. Ephemeridae
d. Ephemeral
e. Correct answer: D) Ephemeral

12. What is the term for spoken or done without preparation?
a. Extempore
b. Ex tempore
c. Extemporaneous
d. Ex tempus
e. Correct answer: A) Extempore

13. What is the term for releasing someone from a duty or obligation?
a. Exonerate
b. Exculpate
c. Excuse
d. Extenuate

14. What is the term for fond of a company?
a. Introverted
b. Extroverted
c. Solitary
d. Gregarious

Recommended: One Word Substitution Practice Test 2

15. What is the term for making marks that cannot be removed?
a. Indelible
b. Erasable
c. Retractable
d. Revocable

16. What is the term for incapable of making mistakes or being wrong?
a. Incorrigible
b. Indefatigable
c. Infallible
d. Ineffable

17. What is the term for certain to happen?
a. Inevitable
b. Unavoidable
c. Inexorable
d. Unstoppable

18. What is the term for a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past?
a. Nostalgia
b. Melancholy
c. Serenity
d. Tranquility

19. What is the term for a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases?
a. Panacea
b. Elixir
c. Antidote
d. Cure-all

20. What is the term for a doctrine which identifies God with the universe?
a. Pantheism
b. Theism
c. Atheism
d. Deism

21. What is the term for being excessively concerned with minor details or rules?
a. Pedantic
b. Perfunctory
c. Persnickety
d. Precise

22. What is the term for the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own?
a. Piracy
b. Duplication
c. Infringement
d. Plagiarism

23. What is the term for safe to drink?
a. Potable
b. Poisonous
c. Potent
d. Pungent

24. What is the term for the emblems or insignia of royalty?
a. Regalia
b. Regents
c. Reigns
d. Regiments

25. What is the term for violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred?
a. Sanctity
b. Sanctification
c. Sacrilege
d. Sacredness

26. What is the term for a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit?
a. Sinecure
b. Sinister
c. Singular
d. Sinewy

27. What is the term for a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event?
a. Souvenir
b. Memory
c. Memento
d. Relic

28. What is the term for an imaginary ideal society free of poverty and suffering?
a. Dystopia
b. Utopia
c. Eutopia
d. Arcadia

29. What is the term for denoting a sin that is not regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace?
a. Venial
b. Mortal
c. Venal
d. Venerable

30. What is the term for in exactly the same words as were used originally?
a. Veracity
b. Verbose
c. Verbiage
d. Verbatim

Recommended: One Word Substitution Practice Test 3

31. What is the term for a state of disorder due to the absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems?
a. Anarchy
b. Hierarchy
c. Synarchy
d. Monarchy

32. What is the term for a form of government in which power is held by the nobility?
a. Aristocracy
b. Plutocracy
c. Oligarchy
d. Autocracy
e. Correct answer: A) Aristocracy

33. What is the term for a system of government by one person with absolute power?
a. Democracy
b. Theocracy
c. Oligarchy
d. Autocracy

34. What is the term for a self-governing country or region?
a. Federation
b. Autonomy
c. Confederation
d. Union

35. What is the term for a system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives?
a. Bureaucracy
b. Democracy
c. Monarchy
d. Oligarchy

36. What is the term for a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives?
a. Democracy
b. Theocracy
c. Autocracy
d. Oligarchy

37. What is the term for a state, society, or group governed by old people?
a. Matriarchy
b. Oligarchy
c. Gerontocracy
d. Meritocracy

38. What is the term for a state or country run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens?
a. Kakistocracy
b. Democracy
c. Meritocracy
d. Oligarchy

39. What is the term for government by new or inexperienced hands?
a. Neocracy
b. Oligarchy
c. Gerontocracy
d. Meritocracy
e. Correct answer: A) Neocracy

40. What is the term for government by the populace?
a. Oligarchy
b. Democracy
c. Kakistocracy
d. Ochlocracy

41. What is the term for a small group of people having control of a country or organization?
a. Oligarchy
b. Democracy
c. Bureaucracy
d. Autocracy

42. What is the term for government by the wealthy?
a. Plutocracy
b. Oligarchy
c. Democracy
d. Aristocracy
e. Correct answer: A) Plutocracy

Recommended: One Word Substitution Practice Test 4

43. What is the term for government not connected with religious or spiritual matters?
a. Theocracy
b. Secular
c. Autocracy
d. Oligarchy

44. What is the term for a form of government with a monarch at the head?
a. Monarchy
b. Republic
c. Democracy
d. Autocracy

45. What is the term for a political system based on the government of men by God?
a. Democracy
b. Thearchy
c. Theocracy
d. Monarchy

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