In this section, you will be presented with a definition or description of a term for each question. Your task is to select the correct term from the four options provided.
Note: the correct answers are marked in bold.
One Word Substitution MCQs Set-4: Frequently Asked Questions in Exams
1. What is the term for a person who sneers at the beliefs of others?
a. Iconoclast
b. Misanthrope
c. Immoral
d. Narcissist
2. What is the term for a person who does not express himself freely?
a. Iconoclast
b. Introvert
c. Impregnable
d. Lunatic
3. What is the term for a person who behaves without moral principles?
a. Immoral
b. Misanthrope
c. Mercenary
d. Numismatist
Recommended: One Word Substitution Practice Test 1
4. What is the term for a person who is incapable of being tampered with?
a. Iconoclast
b. Impregnable
c. Insolvent
d. Narcissist
5. What is the term for a person who is unable to pay his debts?
a. Iconoclast
b. Misanthrope
c. Insolvent
d. Numismatist
6. What is the term for a person who is mentally ill?
a. Introvert
b. Lunatic
c. Immoral
d. Mercenary
7. What is the term for a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society?
a. Iconoclast
b. Misanthrope
c. Impregnable
d. Narcissist
8. What is the term for a person who is primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics?
a. Mercenary
b. Numismatist
c. Introvert
d. Immoral
9. What is the term for someone in love with himself?
a. Iconoclast
b. Misanthrope
c. Narcissist
d. Impregnable
10. What is the term for one who collects coins as a hobby?
a. Mercenary
b. Numismatist
c. Lunatic
d. Immoral
11. What is the term for a person who likes or admires women?
a. Philogynist
b. Philanthropist
c. Polyglot
d. Recluse
12. What is the term for a lover of mankind?
a. Philogynist
b. Philanthropist
c. Polyglot
d. Recluse
13. What is the term for a person who speaks more than one language?
a. Philogynist
b. Philanthropist
c. Polyglot
d. Recluse
14. What is the term for one who lives in solitude?
a. Philogynist
b. Philanthropist
c. Polyglot
d. Recluse
15. What is the term for someone who walks in sleep?
a. Somnambulist
b. Stoic
c. Termagant
d. Uxorious
16. What is the term for a person who is indifferent to the pains and pleasures of life?
a. Somnambulist
b. Stoic
c. Termagant
d. Uxorious
17. What is the term for a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman?
a. Somnambulist
b. Stoic
c. Termagant
d. Uxorious
18. What is the term for a person who shows a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife?
a. Somnambulist
b. Stoic
c. Termagant
d. Uxorious
19. What is the term for one who possesses outstanding technical ability in a particular art or field?
a. Philogynist
b. Philanthropist
c. Virtuoso
d. Recluse
Recommended: One Word Substitution Practice Test 2
20. What is the term for a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead?
a. Cortege
b. Elegy
c. Epitaph
d. Filicide
21. What is the term for a phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died?
a. Elegy
b. Cortege
c. Epitaph
d. Fratricide
22. What is the term for the killing of one’s son or daughter?
a. Filicide
b. Foeticide
c. Fratricide
d. Homicide
23. What is the term for the destruction or abortion of a fetus?
a. Filicide
b. Foeticide
c. Genocide
d. Infanticide
24. What is the term for the killing of one’s brother or sister?
a. Filicide
b. Foeticide
c. Fratricide
d. Homicide
25. What is the term for the killing of a large group of people?
a. Genocide
b. Infanticide
c. Cortege
d. Interment
26. What is the term for the killing of one person by another?
a. Filicide
b. Foeticide
c. Homicide
d. Interment
27. What is the term for the killing of infants?
a. Filicide
b. Foeticide
c. Genocide
d. Infanticide
28. What is the term for a solemn procession, especially for a funeral?
a. Cortege
b. Elegy
c. Epitaph
d. Fratricide
29. What is the term for the burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb?
a. Cortege
b. Elegy
c. Epitaph
d. Interment
30. What is the term for killing one’s mother?
a. Matricide
b. Mortuary
c. Obituary
d. Parricide
31. What is the term for a room or building in which dead bodies are kept?
a. Matricide
b. Mortuary
c. Obituary
d. Parricide
32. What is the term for a news article that reports the recent death of a person?
a. Matricide
b. Mortuary
c. Obituary
d. Parricide
33. What is the term for killing a parent or other near relative?
a. Matricide
b. Mortuary
c. Obituary
d. Parricide
Recommended: One Word Substitution Practice Test 3
34. What is the term for killing one’s father?
a. Matricide
b. Parricide
c. Obituary
d. Patricide
35. What is the term for killing one’s sister?
a. Matricide
b. Parricide
c. Sororicide
d. Patricide
36. What is the term for killing one’s own wife?
a. Matricide
b. Uxoricide
c. Fratricide
d. Regicide
37. What is the term for an examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death?
a. Regicide
b. Sororicide
c. Uxoricide
d. Postmortem
38. What is the term for an act of intentionally causing one’s own death?
a. Sororicide
b. Postmortem
c. Suicide
d. Regicide
39. What is the term for an action of killing a king?
a. Patricide
b. Regicide
c. Matricide
d. Uxoricide