Plant Anatomy MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

1. In older woody tissue; the gaseous exchange takes place through:
a. Stomata
b. Aerenchyma
c. Lenticels
d. Hydathodes
Answer: c. Lenticels

2. Who is known as the father of Plant anatomy?
a. Aristotle
b. Robert Brown
c. Nehemiah Grew
d. Carl Linnaeus
Answer: c. Nehemiah Grew

3. Bordered pits are found in:
a. Sieve cells
b. Vessel wall
c. Companion cells
d. Sieve tube wall
Answer: b. Vessel wall

4. Who coined the term tissue in 1801?
a. Hooke
b. Laura Bassi
c. Xavier Bichat
d. Hanstein
Answer: c. Xavier Bichat

5. When the cells of the root cap die or get damaged, they are replaced by the activity of:
a. Plerome
b. Calyptrogen
c. Periblem
d. Dermatogen
Answer: b. Calyptrogen

6. Stem elongation activity in grasses takes place by:
a. Primary Meristem
b. Secondary Meristem
c. Intercalary Meristem
d. Apical Meristem
Answer: c. Intercalary Meristem

7. Increase in diameter of the stem is due to the activity of:
a. Procambium
b. Vascular cambium
c. Ground meristem
d. Cork Meristem tut
Answer: b. Vascular cambium

Recommended: Plant Anatomy Practice Test

8. Name the tissue from which procambium and primary structures of the plant originates.
a. Promeristem
b. Phellogen
c. Dermatogen
d. Calyptrogen
Answer: a. Promeristem

9. Which of the following is not a primary meristem?
a. Promeristem
b. Protoderm
c. Periblem
d. Ground tissue
Answer: d. Ground tissue

10. The growth pattern in plants differs from that of animals in:
a. Being localized
b. Being indefinite
c. Having a definite life span
d. Having an indefinite life span
Answer: b. Being indefinite

11. Identify the plant tissue in which lignin is absent:
a. Sclerenchyma
b. Collenchyma
c. Sclerieds
d. Xylem tracheids
Answer: b. Collenchyma

12. From which region the root hairs are developed?
a. Elongation
b. Root cap
c. Meristematic activity
d. Maturation
Answer: d. Maturation

13. Which of the following is made up of dead cells?
a. Collenchyma
b. Phellem
c. Phloem
d. Xylem parenchyma
Answer: b. Phellem

14. Cortex is the region found between:
a. Epidermis and Stele
b. Pericycle and endodermis
c. Endodermis and pith
d. Endodermis and vascular bundle
Answer: a. Epidermis and Stele

15. When phloem is completely surrounded by xylem the vascular bundle is known as:
a. Concentric leptocentric / Amphivasal
b. Concentric, hadrocentric / Amphicribral
c. Conjoin, collateral
d. Conjoint, bicollateral
Answer: a. Concentric leptocentric / Amphivasal

16. Annual growth rings are formed due to the activity of:
a. Intrastelar cambium
b. Extrastelar cambium
c. Interstelar cambium
d. Primary cambium
Answer: a. Intrastelar cambium

17. Phloem parenchyma is absent in:
a. Dicot leaf
b. Dicot root
c. Dicot stem
d. Monocot stem
Answer: d. Monocot stem

18. Cork/bottle cork is formed from:
a. Vascular cambium
b. Phloem
c. Xylem
d. Cork cambium (phellogen)
Answer: d. Cork cambium (phellogen)

19. The waxy substance associated with the cell walls of cork cells is:
a. Hemicellulose
b. Suberin
c. Lignin
d. Cutin
Answer: b. Suberin

20. Which of the following tissue gives rise to secondary growth?
a. Apical meristem
b. Vascular cambium
c. Adventitious root
d. Axillary bud
Answer: b. Vascular cambium

21. Which are the external protective tissues of the plant?
a. Cork and cortex
b. Cortex and epidermis
c. Pericycle and cortex
d. Epidermis and cork
Answer: b. Cortex and epidermis

22. The apical meristem of the root is present in:
a. Only in radicals
b. Only in tap roots
c. Adventitious roots
d. All the roots
Answer: d. All the roots

23. Which type of meristematic tissue increases the girth of a plant?
a. Primary meristem
b. Apical meristem
c. Intercalary meristem
d. Lateral meristem
Answer: d. Lateral meristem

24. Four radial vascular bundles are found in:
a. Dicot leaf
b. Dicot root
c. Dicot stem
d. Monocot stem
Answer: b. Dicot root

25. Bicollateral vascular bundles are found in:
a. Malvaceae
b. Cucurbitaceae
c. Solanaceae
d. Musaceae
Answer: b. Cucurbitaceae

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